Why Tracking Organ Age Holds the Key to Total Wellness and Longevity
Different individuals age at various phases of life, which is an intrinsic fact. However, aging is not about those exaggerated wrinkles or fine lines; it is much more!
As per the medical and healthcare practitioners, aging is a multifaceted phenomenon that differs in its impact on individuals and even certain organs within the same body. Be it looking fit inside your body but aged on the outside or vice versa, there should be no denying the importance of tracking organ age in developing a genuine understanding of your health and lifespan. Research from Stanford University has shown that evaluating your body’s internal organ age, like heart, fat tissues, blood vessels, arteries, lung, liver, and pancreas, is capable of predicting likelihoods for some diseases, therefore helping decide what lifestyle, diet, and exercise would work best. Blood plasma analysis was one of many approaches that was predominantly used in the 1990s as a form of identifying organ ageing. While proficient, this biochemical method was slower in comparison. In the meantime, body composition monitors (BCMs), have been a game changer for the modern world, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their health and wellness. This fast and precise modern healthcare device utilises bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to estimate body organ age much faster, easier, and more accurately than the traditional systems. However, the groundbreaking invention of Body Composition Monitors (BCMs) leveraging the principle of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) has been instrumental in detecting your body’s organ age in a faster, more accessible, and more accurate way than traditional ones. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of determining one’s organ age to deepen awareness about organ functioning and peak performance.
Body Composition Analysis—a complete advanced detection approach of one’s overall health and fitness
Based on some useful findings by the NIH, the integration of body composition analysis techniques has gained significant attention in sports and fitness. In a recent survey on tracking athletic performance, the body composition monitoring method has proven to be advantageous in improving the overall health and performance of athletes. Not only that, in fact, in many sports, an athlete can gain an advantage by changing their body mass or body composition features. A body composition monitor works efficiently by quantifying various cellular components of a human body obtained by conducting rapid body mass index BMI tests that give an accurate, fast, and non-invasive analysis of each of the organs and essential body composition such as fat mass, body water, muscle mass, etc.
Why is the body composition technique the best and most effective to determine overall wellness?
Although numerous techniques are available for determining organ age and measuring various parameters such as body fat percentage, muscle mass, and visceral fat, the principle of bioelectrical impedence analysis-mediated advanced body composition monitors (BCM) has become an increasingly popular method among men and women seeking a fast and effective solution to track their journey to wellness. The groundbreaking technology of a flawlessly operational body composition monitor accurately measures your body's resistance to electrical currents and analyze multiple health markers, including:
Accurate estimation of how well your internal organs are functioning.
Predicting your body’s metabolic efficiency of converting food into energy.
Determining the strength, density, and endurance level of your muscle
Analysing the overall fat distribution in your body.
The future of organ health monitoring is here
Comprehending one’s organ health through body composition monitoring has gained widespread recognition in the health and wellness domain, as it offers a more holistic health perspective than other simplified techniques. Whether it is to assess your body’s increasing risks toward any particular health issue, such as heart failure or obesity, the body composition analysis method is a game changer in customising fitness and making necessary decisions to achieve overall wellness. Furthermore, for athletes seeking to optimise their performance, the body composition analysis method is effective in assessing their overall health and improving their fitness level. By predicting the age of an organ over time, a body composition monitor not only prepares the athletes against a potential health risk but also helps customise their diet and workout routine.
Which organs of your body are suitable to undergo body composition monitoring?
Although organ health differs within a human body, according to the NIH, when an organ undergoes more rigorous functioning than usual, its efficiency may be reduced, resulting in a decreased lifespan or malfunctioning. It is a scientific fact that all the cells and tissues of our body are constantly undergoing certain regenerative changes, and so are our organs, which also change as we age. However, the biggest changes occurring in the human organ systems have been reportedly found in the heart, lungs, and kidneys. For example, the heart of a 20-year-old was found to be capable of pumping about 10 times the amount of blood that is needed to keep the body alive. After age 30, an average of 1% capacity of pumping is found to be lost each year, as per research data. Although there are some definite changes associated with aging, it's hard to predict exactly how you will age.
The essential metrics of a scientifically validated body composition monitoring device
If you are looking for a real-time and high-accuracy body composition evaluation to make an informed decision within a few minutes of scanning, enter the new era of the digital revolution that typically includes:
Calculating your Body Fat Percentage: This is an essential metric that is determined by calculating the amount of your entire body fat as a percentage of their total body weight. Although body fat percentage varies from person to person, an ideal body fat percentage for men is generally 8-25%, and for women, an ideal body fat percentage is 20-30%.
Measuring Muscle Mass: A standard muscle mass measures the amount of muscle an individual has in their body. An ideal muscle mass indicates that an individual has a greater amount of lean muscle, while a lower muscle mass indicates that they have less muscle.
Body Mass Index (BMI): To analyze your body mass index in kg, you can use a standard BMI calculator kg measuring your total body fat based on height and weight. On the other hand, if you want to determine your age-related changes in muscle mass and fat distribution, you can order a reliable BMI calculator by age for optimal results. However, it is important to note that BMI can be misleading in certain cases as it does not take into account differences in muscle mass and body composition.
Visceral Fat: Visceral fat is considered to be the amount of fat that is stored around an individual’s internal organs and is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems. Visceral fat is different from subcutaneous fat, which is stored just below the skin. For a more accurate calculation of your body’s visceral fat percentage, muscle mass, and fluid retention, a standard BMI fat analyser is highly recommended by health professionals. Whether you’re seeking an effective and rapid method to track your overweight BMI, a BMI fat analyser is an advanced digital tool, particularly designed for fitness enthusiasts and athletes looking for optimal results beyond a standard BMI test.
Internal Organ Age: This metric is an indicator of your overall health and longevity as it can estimate the age of your organs based on body composition and is an indicator of your overall health and fitness level. Organ age estimation is influenced by some crucial factors such as body fat percentage, muscle mass, and bone density
Conclusion: If you are aiming for an effective real-time assessment of your fitness and organ ageing, body composition monitors are highly recommended by health and wellness specialists that provide an instant, non-invasive analysis of your whole body within a few minutes of scanning. You get a comprehensive breakdown of your body's health, giving you the power to make informed decisions about your lifestyle, diet, and exercise routine.
- Posted in:
- Aging Process
- Athletic Performance
- Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
- BMI Analysis
- Body Composition Analysis
- Body Fat Percentage
- Digital Health
- Fitness Assessment
- Health Monitoring
- Health Technology
- Longevity
- Metabolic Health
- Muscle Mass Measurement
- Non-Invasive Health Test
- Organ Age
- Organ Health Evaluation
- Personalized Health
- Visceral Fat
- Wellness Optimization
- Wellness Tracking